The State Government issues ration cards, which function as identification documents and provide information on a person’s financial situation.. It is a piece of documentation that enables someone to make use of the numerous government benefits offered to cardholders.
Types and Benefits of Ration Cards
A government-run programme in India called the Public Distribution System (PDS) offers qualified households discounted food and non-food goods. Because they are necessary to receive subsidised items, ration cards are a crucial component of this system. In India, there are various ration card varieties, each of which grants the holder a particular set of privileges. Here is a list of the various ration card kinds used in India.
Priority Households Card: These ration cards are given to households that fall under the poverty level. The monthly entitlement for holders of this card is 35 kg of rice or wheat, along with legumes, sugar, kerosene, and cooking oil.
Below Poverty Line (BPL)
Families who are below the poverty line as defined by the state government are those who have BPL cards.
BPL households receive 10 to 20 kg of food grains per family each month at a cost of 50% of the average price.
State each state, different amounts of wheat, rice, sugar, and other goods have different subsidised final retail prices. Different rates per quantity are set by each state government.
Above Poverty Line (APL)
Families who own this card are those who make more than the federal poverty level as set by the state government.
10 to 20 kg of food grains are given to APL families each month at 100% of the cost to the economy.
Each state’s government sets a subsidised retail price for a specific amount of rice, wheat, sugar, and kerosene.
Annapoorna Yojana (AY)
Older adults who are poor and older than 65 are granted Annapoorna Yojana (AY) ration cards.
10 kg of foodgrains are provided to cardholders each month under this programme.
The elderly who qualify for this programme are given these cards by the state governments according to their specifications.
Uses and Benefits of a Ration Card.
To obtain food at discounted prices from a ration shop.Given that it is a government-issued document, it is recognised as legal identity throughout India.It can be presented as identifying documentation when requesting a PAN card.In order to open a bank account and move funds across bank accounts.
To obtain a brand-new voter ID card.
To buy a SIM card for a phone.
For making a passport application.
How can I obtain a ration card?
To apply for a ration card, each state government has established unique forms that can be completed manually or electronically. One could also apply for other documents like employment card, shramik card through online mode. The application form can be obtained via the relevant state website or by going to the designated offices or centres that the state government has designated. A minimal minimum charge must be paid, and the necessary paperwork must be submitted with the application.You’ll also need to present evidence of your identification, place of residence, and source of income..
After your application is accepted, you will receive a ration card that you can use to get discounts on necessities.